If you missed "The Little Mermaid," do not worry! Our high school production, "Shrek the Musical," is next week! Based on the DreamWorks animated film, this hilarious musical follows the ogre Shrek on a life-changing journey with a fast-talking donkey and a feisty princess. Tickets are available on the Tickets page or at SHEEP on Thursdays. Tell your friends!
...Which means we have been busy adding the final touches to our shows!
With only one week until "The Little Mermaid, Jr." opens, rehearsals have been busy! Several components are getting the cast ready for opening night:
It is all coming together! Don't forget to buy your tickets soon; some shows may sell out! Speaking of tickets, you can now purchase tickets to "Shrek the Musical" online and at SHEEP on Thursdays. We are three weeks away from Final Dress for Shrek, so every week we add something new to the rehearsal process:
Tell your friends and family to purchase their tickets! You won't want to miss either production! |
July 2018